About "Diagrammatic Biorhythm"
“Diagrammatic Biorhythm” visualizes statistical data about vaginal births and tunnel-visions in near-death experiences, representing transformation from one form to another. The intent of this series is not to provide data visualizations for applicable scientific purposes, but to explore presenting information to viewers in a way that encourages them to draw connections between the two most human experiences we have - and also the largest transformations we will experience - birth and death. Through the juxtaposition of statistics about both life and death, with a connecting current of the tunnel, viewers are prompted to consider the cyclical nature of human life. In addition to these themes, there is also a current of big data irony, through the attempt to scientifically “prove” or collect quantitative data about near-death experiences, and our reliance on data even through experiences that, in some ways, transcend the comprehension available to us through science.
Existing at the intersection of design, science, and existentialism, this series was created using the visual programming environment TouchDesigner, and each piece was formulated with nodes, low-code and operators within the program.